Swine Flu Treatment, Causes, Types, Symptoms, Medication And Facts

Swine Flu – Few Important Facts To Know

June 25th, 2010
Year 2009, when the first reported cases of A/H1N1 swine flu made global headlines; it was believed that this influenza emerged from Mexico. However, evidence proved futile to materialize and to confirm it as a Mexican origin. Then a new theory evolved which reported that the A/H1N1 virus originated in Asia. Whatever may be the case, but the matter of the fact is that the world came to know about this flu which is widely called swine flu.
So what is a swine flu?
Swine flu is a kind of a respiratory disease which is common in pigs. The H1NI virus is however not a strain which has been seen in the swine. The H1NI virus is a combination of different viruses. It’s a mixture of the swine flu, the bird flue and the kind of flue common during the winter months and the fall, seen among the people in Northern America. As it is a combination of different flu viruses, the H1N1 flue is much harder to treat.
Typical flu viruses include the potential to kill more than 350000 victims. Season after season this disease seems to appear, sometimes showing mild symptoms and sometimes severe. This disease appears to infect more of pregnant women and young adults.
A Note on Swine Flu Symptoms
One of the common symptoms of a swine disease is high fever. A victim will suffer from very high body temperature due to fever. Usually, young children found to be the victims of swine flu tend to report higher fevers than the young adults. In either case, high fever is reported. When the high fever is reported in adults, they can also have a high body temperature.
Another symptom of swine flu is coughing. The H1N1 flu virus causes many other cases of the upper respiratory problems.  Aching, sore muscles and fatigue are some of the other symptoms of this illness. Some of the victims of swine flu may have stomach upset and associated problems like vomiting, diarrhea and nausea.
Between 1918 and 1919, medical facts reveal that a similar kind of a disease had killed nearly 50 million people. Due to the lack of modern medical system and care at that time, the spread of the disease couldn’t be prevented.
With the modern technology and general awareness, the H1N1 virus can be best taken care of. Today, there is a huge diversity of medications present on the market to treat the swine flu victims. If caught in the initial stages, most of the cases can be treated properly with the patient having to experience the minimum discomfort.
Seeking doctor’s help at the first symptoms or signs of flu will be the key to survive from this virus. Make sure you diagnose your situation, if you experience any such problems in future.

Types Of Treatment For Swine Flu

June 17th, 2010
Swine flu is real cause for worry and many have been affected with it in the recent times. Swine flue is a HINI viral infection that spreads from pigs. [...] Continue Reading…

How To Prevent The Occurrence Of Swine Flu?

May 12th, 2010
Prevention is always better and preferred than cure. Especially when it comes to the prevention of swine flu, there are many aspects to be considered. Firstly, keeping one self [...] Continue Reading…

Identifying The Symptoms Of Swine Flu

April 20th, 2010
Some of the common symptoms of swine flue are fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, headache, chills, fatigue, tiredness, nausea and diarrhea.  When these symptoms occur in you, there [...] Continue Reading…

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