R u ready for the Surchur Challenge?

R u ready for the Surchur Challenge?

surchur — Tags: , , , — monika @ March 29, 2010
We are happy to announce that we have launched the Surchur Challenge. The Surchur Challenge is our way of highlighting just how powerful our features are in the world of real time search.  We at Surchur believe there is no better place for discovering what’s popular on the web and then quickly learn what people are saying about that topic.
The first Challenge we are proposing to the web community at large is to find a better place for real time discovery.  By real time discovery we mean a single destination to see the most popular and fastest trending topics on the web and quickly learn what is happening with them.  Our Real Time Board is, we believe, the single most complete and helpful place for real time discovery.  If you have ever wanted to at a glance learn what people are talking about on the web then you will find no better place to start than the Surchur homepage. We combine sources such as Google Trends, Twitter Trending Topics, Yahoo Buzz, Bing xRank and more and then overlay our proprietary algorithm and score the most popular and fastest trending topics.
Check out the Real Time Board at surchur.com and see if you aren’t convinced that it is the single best place for real time discovery.
And then stay tuned for upcoming Surchur Challenges that will highlight what are the additional features that set us apart from other real time search engines.
The Surchur team
Take the challenge and play with the best!

Trending Topics is so Passe: Why the Real Time Board is the Evolution in Real Time Discovery

surchur — Tags: , , , — admin @ February 17, 2010
Most active Web users have come across such tools as Google Trends, Twitter Trending Topics, Yahoo Buzz or Bing xRank.  These tools are great for helping users understand what is being searched for.  However, there is a new approach that helps people get more breadth - meaning what is popular on the Internet more widely - as well as great depth - meaning at a glance you can quickly see why a topic is popular and what people are saying across the web.  The Real Time Board at surchur.com is a tool that uses this new approach to help users quickly sift through trends on the web and find what interests them most.
The Surchur Real Time Board
The Surchur Real Time Board
The Real Time Board or RTB differs from the other sources in a few key ways.
First, the RTB is an aggregate view of the other sources. Meaning we take what’s showing up right now on the other sites and bring them all into a single list.  The different sources have different methodologies that fit their particular approach, some focus on rising searches, others on outright total search volume, and some like twitter focus on what people are micro-blogging about.  Surchur combines them all to provide a complete view of what’s being talked about making it “the one” source for popular terms.
Another way in which the RTB differs from the others is our ranking approach.  We take the popular searches and then score them in three areas: surchur surches, blogosphere mentions, and twitter mentions.  Then we rank them according to the combined score across these three areas.  The result is a list that has the broadest possible view of what’s popular. In addition, it helps you understand just how popular a topic is relative to another topic.
Finally, our RTB differs with a great preview.  Simply hover over a term on our homepage and you’ll see a quick summary of the images, blogs and social web mentions in a basic preview screen.  That way you may never have to leave the home page if all you are looking for is a quick summary of several popular terms.
The Real Time Board is changing how the Web looks at what’s popular.  We invite you to check it out on a regular basis - we doubt you’ll find a better place for discovering the currently popular.
The Surchur Team

An even better surch

surchur — Tags: , , , , , , — monika @ January 19, 2010
As promised not so long ago, today we launched our new updates: a minor facelift and an improved algorithm.
What changed? Just a few to enumerate:
  • now it’s even easier to influence the results on the popular tab
  • voting up or down and commenting is simple whether logged in as a user or anonymously with a captcha
  • we’ve removed some of our sources and replaced them with even better ones
  • after opening any URL you don’t have to go back to surchur in order to share your opinions regarding it, you can easily vote and comment on our brand new toolbar
  • the related surches feature is now improved giving you better suggestions for other searches you may be interested in
If you are looking for your fav celeb, movie releases, politicians, sports news, local updates …you name it - we are the best spot for learning about the “right now” world.
Feel free to try the newly juiced up surchur and send your feedback to marketing [at] surchur [dot] com
Veni, vidi, surch!

Sum-up vs. forecast

Hot on the Web, surchur — Tags: , , , , — monika @ December 23, 2009
We have grown in almost two years (1 year and 7 months actually ;) ) as others in 3 years or even more. We’ve come a long way since our launch in 2008, but the best is yet to come. Be prepared to be once again surchurfied in January 2010 as we launch our new features and updates.
Thank you for your opinions and suggestions, thank you for being such an active community, thank you for your interest in us. Here’s to a good surch!
We wish everyone Happy Holidays and a surchurific New Year!
The Surchur Team

Don’t get brand sabotaged

“Monitoring your brand online can be a serious effort - the number of channels and outlets you need to track, the anonymity of potential brand attackers or even promoters, the speed with which fallacious information can spread and ruin the value of what would have once been a carefully planned and thoughtful brand approach…” you can read Todd Hogan’s article on brand monitoring here.

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