How to make money from blogging (Best way)

1           How To Make Money Blogging (Best way)

·        Can you make money blogging?

·        What are the various ways to make money from blogging?

·        How much can I earn?

·        Can I talk about my life and make money?

·        What should I blog about to make money?

If you are asking any of the above questions, well you have come to the right place. In this mega guide to make money from blogging, you will learn all the aspects that will help you get started.

These methods are based on my years of  blogging experience.

If this is your first time here at Raj weblogs, I recommend you to read about my page on

A few years back, blogging was just another hobby that some people did in addition to working full-time jobs. Today, blogging still functions in that way, but a lot has changed
In 2020,  blogging has become a profitable online profession and people at large start a blog to get into this noble profession.

2             How much money can you make money from blogging?

Just like any profession (Engineer, Lawyer, financial advising), there are different levels of blogging who are earning anywhere from $1000-$2 million a year.
How much money you can make depends solely on a few factors such as:

·        Which niche you are picking?

·        How much time you are dedicating to learning and implementing?

·        How much traffic you drive to your blog

·        What digital marketing techniques you implement?

There are various other factors like consistency, your network, personal motivation and goals also contribute a lot.

However, niche and your digital marketing skills alone can help you move really fast in the field of blogging.
You can browse other articles of Rajweblogs to learn more about mindset and motivation, but in this guide, we will purely focus on making money from the blog.

Just to make things easier for you, I have answered many frequently asked questions related to blogging at the end of this guide.

3             What are the ways bloggers make money (Various Income source)

There are various methods that you can use to monetize your blog. Depending upon your level of blogging and the kind of blog, you could pick the method that matches your style. Do check the end of this article to get the answers to many important questions asked by bloggers like you.

1.     Ad Networks like AdSense,

2.     Direct Advertisements

3.     Affiliate marketing

4.     Native Advertising

5.     Paid reviews/Sponsored posts

6.     Sell Digital products (eBooks, Blueprints)

7.     Launch an Online Course

8.     Offer Online consulting

9.     Offer Services based on your skills

Apart from the traditional forms of advertising, you can work on other monetization tricks. Instead of just adding ads, work on adding value for your advertiser.

It’s better to have 1 high paying ad than 4 low paying ads.: (Beginners)

There are ad networks that are the simplest and widely used method for monetizing a blog.

The two Ad networks which are most popular are:

·        AdSense(Offered by Google)


You need to have a blog to get approval on these ad networks. They show ads automatically based on the context of your article and also based on user interest. Most of the new blogs use these methods to monetize as it gives recurring income. Since the ads shown are of high quality, they don’t affect the user experience.

If your blog is having less than 300 views/day, then there are other ad networks However, your goal should be getting AdSense or approval as soon as you could.g: (Most profitable method): Intermediate + Advanced

Affiliate advertisements are one of the best ways to make money since a single sale will make you a lot more money than a single click on a contextual ad.

It’s something most of the bloggers are using these days and one of the most profitable avenues to make money from a blog.

4. Native Advertising

Native advertising has been one of the forefronts of making money from blogging. Especially, news and jobs kind of blogs can make a really high income with Native advertising.

There are a few native advertising solutions that are worth your time and effort of implementation.

·        Taboola

·        Outbrain (High-quality native ads)

·        Mgid

·        AdSense (AdSense also offers native ads) coced

·        Can you convert your textbook into a video format? 

·        Can you add the checklist, downloadable templates?

·        Can you create a 1-2 hour video course?

If your answer is yes, then this method is definitely for you. Thanks to technology, now launching an online course are easy for anyone and if you are giving the unique course, your chances of reaching $ 1 million goals are really high.

5    Can you blog about your life and    make money from blogging?

This is another growing form of blogging where a lot of people talk about their day to day life and create a community around it. You may have seen a lot of them on YouTube as Video blogger and you can do the same on the blog or even on YouTube.

Some of the popular topic for this kind of blogging is:

·        Lifestyle

·        Fashion

·        Travel

·        Motivation

·        Entertainment

The key here is to keep it entertaining, add value and create a community around your brand. Depending upon your style and consistency, you could mint a lot of money with this strategy.

A lot of beginners also ask is, should I focus on blogging or vBlogging?

Well, it’s a good idea to have a mix of both. Producing video content (Recording, editing, and publishing) is time and money intensive, whereas creating text content takes lesser time. Having a good blend of both the technique will help you to grow faster and start significant earning sooner.

Gone are the days when we bloggers were only dependent on AdSense to make money from blogging. Now we have many more ad networks and monetization methods available which we can have increased the income potential from a blog to a great extent.

If you have been using these traditional methods of making money from your blog, it’s time to revise your blogging. Make some new tweaks, change the design, and optimize the marketing aspects of your blog.

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