Guide to College Majors in Business

Guide to College Majors in Business

Never fear the want of business. A man who qualifies himself well for his calling, never fails of employment.
--Thomas Jefferson

What is Business?

A career in business is more varied than most people realize. It can involve the obvious functions such as management and marketing, but there's an increasing need for business majors to apply their skills in government, international commerce, health care, arts, and non-profit organizations. Business principles can serve as the backbone for economic, political and social systems at all levels.

Your business degree can be applied to virtually any industry and can also be used to help you start your own business. Many students start their professional training with an undergraduate business or business administration degree and proceed to graduate school or an MBA (Master's of Business Administration). Many working adults take online college courses in everything from business management to financial planning, making it easier to advance or change careers even after you've started working.

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