Google confirms the acquisition of Slide Social Media Developer App

/ On : 9:47 AM/
Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Google Inc. confirmed it has bought social widget maker Slide Inc., a deal that gives the Internet search leader a team of developers with extensive experience in social networking.
A person familiar with the situation said the deal was valued at 180 million dollars, similar to the price tag indicated by the technology blog TechCrunch on Wednesday.
In announcing the resumption Friday, Google Engineering Director David Glazer said the company would "invest more to make Google services social conscience" and extend the capabilities of social networking in addition to the Web, according to a post on the official blog of the company.
The own site Slide, founder and CEO Max Levchin called the combination a great opportunity "to come together to change the way people socialize on the Web," reflecting the views of both companies and shared values.
Slide develops applications for Facebook, MySpace and other social networking sites, but a person familiar with the situation said that Google was primarily motivated by the possibility of adding a team of 100 developers who have years of experience in the field of social networking.
The operation is part of a renewed effort by Google to give people new ways to interact with Google products on the Web, an effort that the vice president of engineering Vic Gundotra has been overseeing the person said.
Google is under increasing pressure to increase its presence to counter social networking Facebook, which recently surpassed over 500 million users and dynamically moving to expand its advertising business.

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